





1、董炯,陕西师范大学 (6月2日,11:10-11:50)

题目:算子函数演算的 Weyl 定理及其稳定性

摘要:有界线性算子的Weyl 定理对于算子谱理论的研究有着重要意义。在本报告中, 我们分别研究了Hilbert 空间上的有界线性算子\ $T$ 及其正整数次幂$T^n$的 Weyl 定理的稳定性, 并且探索了两者之间的关系。


题目:The Equivariant Higher Index Map for Proper  -space and Coarse Embedding

摘要:Let be a discrete metric space with bounded geometry, a countable discrete group. Assume that acts on  properly and isometrically, in this case we call  a -space. There is an equivariant higher index map Where is the  -equivariant -homology group of the Rips complex ,is the  -theory group of the equivariant Roe algebra  for the  -space .The isomorphism or the injectivity of this map has many applications in geometry and topology.If   and   can be coarsely embedded into a Hilbert space respectively, then the equivariant higher index map above is injective. This is a joint work with Xianjin Wang and Guoliang Yu.

3、韩德广,美国中弗罗里达大学(6月1日,09:40-10:20 )

题目: Group Representations and Phase-retrieval

摘要:  We will discuss the phase-retrieval problem related to projective group representations and several other related topics.



摘要:我们将主要介绍Fock空间 在Bargmann逆变换之下的映射性质。一方面讨论与的关系;另一方面给出的完全刻画。

5、Wu Jing, Fayetteville State University (6月1日,14:45-15:25)

题目: Additivity of mappings on rings and operator algebras

摘要: In this talk, we will discuss the additivity of several kinds of mappings on some rings and operator algebras.

6、D. Larson, TXAM,(6月1日,08:55-09:35)

题目: Recovery from erasures in frame theory


题目:Separable universal Banach lattices

摘要:I will talk about the construction of separable universal injective and projective lattices for the class of all separable Banach lattices. This is the joint work with Denny H. Leung, Timur Oikhberg and Mary A. Tursi.

8、刘锐,南开大学 (6月1日,16:25-17:05)

题目: Bases, frames, and operator-valued measures on Banach and operator spaces

摘要: We introduce the concept of (Schauder) frames for Banach and operator spaces, give the concrete example for reduced free group C*-algebra, and show the connection with the (completely) bounded approximation property and complemented embedding, and give the duality theorems for frames and associated basis in reflexive Banach spaces. A general dilation theory of operator-valued measures and frames for Banach spaces is motivated by the observation that there is a connection between the analysis of dual pairs of frames (both the discrete and the continuous theory) and the dilation theory of operator-valued measures on Banach spaces. As a continuation of our recent work, we show that every operator-valued measure with bounded p-variation can be dilated to a projection-valued measure preserving the same variation property on a dilation Banach space.


题目: Lie isomorphisms of reflexive algebras

摘要: In this talk, we describe the structure of Lie isomorphisms of reflexive algebras  with completely distributive and commutative lattices or with J-subspace lattices.


题目:Weak Haagerup property for C*-algebras

11、吴文明,重庆师范大学 (6月1日,15:30-16:10)

题目:  Transition probability preserving maps in semifinite factors

摘要:In this talk, I will state the brief history about the Wigner's theorem, which is one of the cornerstones of the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics, asserts that every symmetry of quantum system is unitary or anti-unitary. I will provide a new approach to describe the general form of the transition probability preserving (not necessarily bijective) maps between Grassmann spaces in semifinite factors.


题目: G- 旋模型场代数Jones 型基本构造


题目:A  realization of multi-tensor C*-category


题目:On singular characteristic in cryptanalysis

摘要:Many lightweight block ciphers employ a very simple key schedule in which the round keys only differ by addition of a round specific constant. In this paper, we investigate how differential cryptanalysis is affected with these ciphers. By taking PRINCE, Midori and AES as examples, we show some theoretical ``good" different characteristics with high probabilities are impossible due to the values of round constants. We call this kind of differential path the singular differential characteristic. We reveal the precise mathematical properties which are behind this phenomenon.  Moreover, our method can be applied to check the validity of differential characteristics of the other block ciphers with simple key schedules. To be positive, we also give some valid 3-round distinguishers and 4-round distinguishers for the PRINCE block cipher, by using Mixed Integer Linear Programming(MILP) and taking account of round constants into consideration.